How does TransPDF know which XLIF applies to which PDF?

When you upload a PDF it is given a unique ID which is written into every XLIF you download. During translation your CAT tool will preserve this ID so that when you upload your translated XLIF, TransPDF will still find it near the top of the file.

An example of the ID inside an XLIF file:

If you were to upload the same PDF multiple times, each instance would be given its own unique ID. This means the XLIF for one could not be loaded into another despite the fact they are all the same PDF.

If you really need to load the XLIF from one PDF into a different one you can edit the XLIF file by hand, copying the ID from one into the other. This has to be done carefully so as not to break the structure of the file. You will need a plain text editor (not a word processor) to make the edit.

If you think you need to do this but you're not confident about how to do it, please get in touch and we will help.

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